If we’ve learned anything over the last few years…. Where candidates stand on the ISSUES are where people should decide whether they support a candidate or not!
Tackling Inflation and Reducing Wasteful Spending
A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything away. Our poor economic state and the weakness of our dollar is the biggest threat to Americans and our national security. Our national debt has soared to $32 trillion and continues to grow. In May 2024, servicing this debt cost $728 billion, which is 16% of total federal spending. This enormous interest payment is a direct result of wasteful spending by past and current members of Congress, including Haley Stevens.
Consider these examples of wasteful spending:
- F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program: This defense project has cost taxpayers over $1.5 trillion and has been plagued by cost overruns and technical issues.
- Alaska’s “Bridge to Nowhere”: A proposed $398 million bridge project intended to connect a small town to an even smaller island, widely criticized as unnecessary and wasteful.
- $42 Billion on Broadband Internet Expansion: Recently, $42 billion was allocated to provide internet access across the country, but a significant portion is being mismanaged or directed to areas already adequately served by private providers.
Such excessive spending has fueled runaway inflation, making it increasingly difficult for ordinary Americans to afford basic necessities. Inflation has hit our seniors particularly hard, many of whom live on fixed incomes. It is a scourge on hardworking families across our nation.
I am committed to eliminating wasteful spending, reducing our national debt, and tackling inflation head-on to lower costs for those who need it most: the American taxpayers. I will do everything in my power to achieve these goals and bring financial relief to American families.
By implementing sound fiscal policies, stopping the printing of unbacked money, and auditing or eliminating the Federal Reserve, we can restore economic stability and protect the future of our country.
Securing Our Borders and Reforming Immigration
Our country is not what it used to be. We need to prioritize Americans first, ensuring that those in need within our borders receive the assistance they deserve before extending aid elsewhere. It’s unacceptable that while American citizens struggle without support, illegal immigrants are given debit cards and housed in hotels. Entering our country illegally should not be the first act committed by anyone seeking to live here. Due to ineffective policies, millions of illegal immigrants are entering our country at record rates, leading to increased crime, drug trafficking, and job losses for hardworking Americans. This crisis has undone the successful border control efforts of the previous administration.
As your Congressman, I will:
- Oppose Amnesty: I will oppose any attempts to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, ensuring our communities remain safe and our laws are respected.
- Complete the Border Wall: I will work to complete the border wall and double the number of border agents to secure our borders effectively.
- Americans First Policy: We must prioritize the needs of American citizens, providing assistance to those who are struggling within our country.
- Border security is straightforward; it requires political will and adequate resources. Despite claims to the contrary, border agents have not endorsed current policies because they hinder efforts to keep Americans safe.
We also need to reform our legal immigration system to prioritize skills over family relations, ensuring that immigrants contribute meaningfully to our country. For decades, legal immigrants followed the law, often residing in Canada or Mexico while waiting their turn. What’s happening now is an insult to those who respected our immigration process. I support legal immigration and will work to criminalize and penalize those who break our laws upon entering the country.
Together, we can restore order and integrity to our immigration system, ensuring that America remains a land of opportunity for those who respect our laws and contribute to our society.
Prioritizing American Interests In Foreign Policy
Candidate of Peace
I am the candidate of peace. I want people all around the world to be safe, happy, and prosperous. In our modern, connected world, diplomacy and peace are achievable through open communication. Strong trade relations foster peace, as countries that trade with each other are less likely to engage in conflict. We must lead by example with free markets and peace through strength.
Governments often engage in conflicts, while the people of those nations typically have no quarrels with each other. The USA should not be the world’s policeman; we have significant issues at home that need attention. We must protect our allies and honor our agreements and treaties, but this protection should be from true threats and solely for defense.
Ask any economist, and they will tell you two things: wars are detrimental to citizens, and wasteful military spending harms our tax base. Wars divert funds that could be used to help the homeless, improve education, or build infrastructure. They also result in the tragic loss of lives, leaving families grieving and communities without contributing members of society.
For two decades, global elites have deceived Americans by sending our sons and daughters to fight in nation-building wars. When these utopian fantasies fail, they accept millions of refugees into middle and working-class neighborhoods. This is a bad deal for Americans, our troops, and the refugees, but a good deal for elites who profit from endless war. We must prioritize American interests and avoid unnecessary wars.
Additionally, our military should not be used as a social justice experiment. Our troops need to focus on their primary mission: fighting and winning America’s wars, only when absolutely necessary. Our enemies won’t care about diversity or equity when engaging in conflict.
By promoting diplomacy, strong trade relations, and a focus on peace through strength, we can create a safer and more prosperous world for all. Let’s prioritize American interests, address our domestic issues, and lead by example on the global stage.
Defending American Jobs, Businesses, and Manufacturing
Every day, we hear stories about immigrants who receive benefits to start businesses, benefits that many Americans cannot access. Our economy increasingly favors foreign companies that oppose American values. This trend threatens American-made businesses, which are struggling to compete.
For instance, Google, a massive technology company that collaborates with the Chinese Communist Party, pays a lower tax rate than many Michigan manufacturers who avoid doing business with China. Simultaneously, some of our largest companies have funded movements like Black Lives Matter, which have led to destruction in our towns and cities.
I support American-made businesses and believe we must prioritize them over anti-American multinationals. We should cut taxes for companies that invest domestically but raise taxes on those that ship jobs overseas and fund radical movements. If these companies wage war on American values, it’s time America fights back.
Striving For Energy Independence
I support an “all of the above” energy policy. We cannot discard our nation’s cheapest energy sources in the name of saving the planet when major polluters like China and India are not participating. This approach artificially raises costs and hurts American families. It’s time for our nation’s leaders to recognize and implement policies that harness and produce our ample natural energy resources here at home.
There is no reason for us to rely on expensive foreign oil, which strains families financially. For example, the Midland Basin of the Wolfcamp Shale area in the Permian Basin in Texas, discovered in 2016, could meet our energy needs for decades. We need common-sense energy policies that put the American consumer first, ensuring our country achieves energy independence.
Restoring America's Manufacturing Base
Many in our country recognize that college might not be for everyone. We’ve successfully promoted trade schools and other alternatives for Americans to pursue the American dream using their hands. Our country once valued working-class jobs, but then the manufacturing base of our economy was shipped overseas, leaving working-class Americans in the dust. Job loss devastated families, and communities were forgotten.
I will fight against the corporate elites who want to maintain the status quo, which plunders millions of Americans unable to use their hands to earn a decent wage. We need to produce and build things here at home, reducing our reliance on foreign countries and their tariffs and taxation whims.
Over the last four years, President Trump renegotiated terrible trade deals and imposed punitive tariffs on companies that manufacture in China and other nations. These were the right policies, and the effort to rebuild our industrial base is only beginning.
Abortion is a deeply personal and complex issue, and I believe in approaching it with both compassion and respect for individual beliefs.
My Personal Beliefs
Pro-Life with Exceptions: I am personally Pro-life, believing that abortion is a sin against God. However, I support exceptions in cases where the life of the mother is at risk, in instances of rape and incest, and within the first trimester. These exceptions are critical in recognizing the complex and difficult situations that some women face.
State Rights
Roe v. Wade Overturn: With the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade, the decision on abortion policies is now up to individual states. This aligns with my belief in the importance of state rights and local governance, allowing states to reflect the values and beliefs of their residents.
Changing the Culture
Promoting Adoption: Making adoption a more accessible and loving option for those unable to care for their child. We need to streamline the adoption process and provide more support for adoptive families.
Supporting Women and Families: Providing comprehensive resources and support for women facing tough decisions. This includes better access to healthcare, childcare, and financial support to ensure that choosing life is a viable option for all women.
Education and Prevention: Investing in education and preventive measures to reduce unintended pregnancies. Comprehensive sex education and easy access to contraception can significantly reduce the number of abortions.
Men’s Rights and Family Law Reform
Addressing Discrimination: Men currently have zero reproductive rights and face systematic discrimination in family courts. We need family law reform to ensure men and women are treated equally, promoting fairness and justice for all parents.
Equal Treatment in Family Courts: Reforming family law to address issues related to child custody, support, and visitation rights, ensuring a fairer system for all parents.
Abortion is a sensitive and multifaceted issue. While I hold strong personal beliefs, I recognize the importance of state rights, the need to support women and families, and the necessity of family law reform. By fostering a culture that values life and provides compassionate support, we can work towards a society where the need for abortion is minimized and all lives are respected and protected.
Free Speech
I am a staunch defender of free speech for all Americans. In Michigan, I have successfully fought multiple battles against government attempts to suppress speech, ensuring that voices are not silenced. Currently, I am pursuing a Federal lawsuit to protect your right to record government court broadcasts, emphasizing my commitment to transparency and freedom of expression.
Second Amendment
The Second Amendment exists to allow citizens to defend themselves, including against potential government overreach. Given current uncertainties, this right is more crucial than ever. I support nationwide concealed carry, the elimination of unnecessary gun laws, and the abolition of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATF). I oppose red flag laws and advocate for common-sense security measures in schools, such as mandatory check-in points similar to those in courthouses.
Criminal Justice Reform
I oppose prosecuting victimless crimes and advocate for severe penalties for real crimes involving harm, theft, or fraud. Such offenses should be met with strong deterrents. Additionally, our courts must embrace transparency, utilizing technology to live-stream proceedings nationwide, ensuring public oversight and trust in the judicial process.
Congressional Reform
I support implementing term limits for Congress to prevent career politicians from entrenching themselves in power. Additionally, members of Congress should not be exempt from the laws they enact. This ensures accountability and fairness, aligning the interests of lawmakers with those of the American people.
Support for Israel
I firmly support defending Israel and pursuing peace in the Middle East. As a crucial ally, Israel’s security is paramount. Without U.S. support, Israel faces existential threats from its enemies. It is vital that we continue to help Israel defend itself and maintain stability in the region.
Student Loan Reform
The government’s involvement in the student loan business has significantly contributed to the skyrocketing cost of college education. Universities are guaranteed money on contracts signed by young adults who, despite not being able to legally have a beer, are considered mature enough to take on six figures of unsecured debt. This influx of guaranteed money has led universities to create more degree programs, often without regard to their economic value, resulting in an oversupply of expensive degrees that do not necessarily lead to gainful employment.
Key Points:
Government Exit Strategy: The government should begin to exit the student loan business. The presence of unlimited guaranteed money has incentivized universities to continually raise tuition costs, knowing that students can always borrow more to pay for it. This has turned higher education into a profit-driven industry rather than a public good.
Lower Interest Rates: Existing student loans should have their interest rates reduced to low or near zero. It is nonsensical that the U.S. government lends money to other countries at low interest rates while heavily taxing its own citizens through high-interest student loans. Education is crucial for the future, and we should make it financially accessible for all.
Economic Disparity: The disparity between the cost of education and the return on investment is glaring. Many graduates are left with substantial debt and limited job prospects. This economic burden is unsustainable and counterproductive to building a skilled and prosperous workforce.
Enhanced Education Access: With the wealth of information available online and the advent of video conferencing, obtaining a high-quality education should be more affordable and accessible than ever. However, the current system has instead made education more expensive and less effective. We need to leverage technology to provide more cost-effective and higher-quality educational opportunities.
The current student loan system is unsustainable and detrimental to both students and the economy. By gradually reducing the government’s role in student loans and lowering interest rates on existing loans, we can begin to alleviate the financial burden on students and encourage universities to focus on providing valuable education. Education is a cornerstone of our future, and it should be accessible and affordable for all, not a financial trap.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI presents both opportunities and challenges. As we harness its potential, we must ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically to benefit society. By implementing strong regulatory frameworks, investing in innovation, and prioritizing human-centric applications, we can leverage AI to create a better future for all while mitigating its risks.
Elon Musk has frequently voiced concerns about the potential dangers of AI. He has stated that “AI will be more dangerous than human-nature controlled power” and that “The danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads”. Musk has emphasized the need for proactive regulation and oversight, warning that “AI doesn’t have to be evil to destroy humanity” and that the development of full artificial intelligence “could spell the end of the human race”. These stark warnings highlight the importance of approaching AI development with caution and responsibility.
Key Points:
Ethical Development: AI must be developed with strict ethical guidelines to prevent misuse and ensure that it serves humanity positively. This includes preventing biases in AI algorithms and protecting privacy rights.
Regulation and Oversight: AI is a rare case where I think we need to be proactive in regulation rather than reactive. This means setting up regulations before issues arise, as the consequences of unchecked AI could be catastrophic.
Innovation and Leadership: The USA needs to lead in AI development to ensure that we stay at the forefront of technological innovation. This includes investing in research and development and fostering an environment where tech companies can thrive.
Human-Centric Approach: AI should enhance human capabilities and be used to solve societal problems. This includes optimizing resource distribution, improving healthcare, and enhancing education.
National Security: AI plays a crucial role in national security. We must ensure that our AI capabilities are superior to those of potential adversaries while safeguarding against cyber threats and AI-driven misinformation.
Deep-Fake Technology: “Deep-fake” technology is a significant threat that can manipulate and deceive people. We must know what is in our AI, similar to how we know the ingredients in our food. There needs to be a discussion on whether individuals have the right to their likeness and artistry and if AI is allowed to recreate someone’s image or intellectual property. Deep fakes could potentially create videos of national leaders declaring war that are entirely fabricated, causing mass deception and panic.
AI in Government: The AI advisory role in government should be non-biased, non-partisan, and objective. AI should not be in charge but rather help guide us. It can assist in government decision-making processes, including evaluating the constitutionality of bills, much like a rapid, advisory role similar to the Supreme Court.
Communication with Constituents
It is easier than ever to communicate with millions of people and share information to maintain a transparent office. Here’s my comprehensive plan to ensure open communication with my constituents:
1. Regular Town Hall Meetings
In-Person and Virtual: Host regular town hall meetings both in-person and online to accommodate everyone’s schedule and location. These meetings will provide a platform for constituents to voice their concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback directly.
Frequency: Schedule these town halls monthly to ensure consistent engagement and timely discussions on current issues.
2. Social Media Engagement
Platforms: Utilize major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share updates, policy positions, and engage with constituents in real-time.
Interactive Content: Post interactive content such as live Q&A sessions, polls, and discussion threads to foster a community of active and informed citizens.
3. Email Newsletters
Regular Updates: Send out bi-weekly email newsletters that include updates on legislative activities, upcoming events, and important announcements.
Feedback Mechanism: Each newsletter will include a feedback section where constituents can share their opinions or ask questions directly.
4. Dedicated Website
Information Hub: Maintain a comprehensive and user-friendly website that serves as an information hub for all campaign-related activities, policy positions, and contact information.
Resource Center: Include resources such as FAQs, a calendar of events, and a blog for more in-depth discussions on various issues.
5. Community Outreach
Local Visits: Regularly visit local communities, schools, businesses, and organizations to listen to their concerns and discuss how we can address them together.
Volunteer Engagement: Create a volunteer program to encourage constituents to get involved in community service projects and campaign activities.
6. Surveys and Polls
Regular Feedback: Conduct regular surveys and polls to gauge public opinion on key issues and legislative priorities.
Anonymous Options: Provide options for anonymous feedback to ensure everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts.
7. Constituent Services
Support and Assistance: Establish a dedicated team to assist constituents with issues related to government services, such as navigating bureaucracy, addressing local concerns, and providing support for federal assistance programs.
Open Office Hours: Implement open office hours where constituents can visit or call for assistance and have their concerns addressed promptly.
8. Transparency and Accountability
Public Records: Ensure all public records, including voting records and financial disclosures, are easily accessible on the website.
Regular Reports: Publish regular reports on legislative activities, progress on campaign promises, and how constituent feedback is being incorporated into decision-making.
By utilizing a multi-faceted approach that includes both traditional and digital communication channels, I aim to create an open, transparent, and responsive relationship with my constituents. Your voices are crucial to shaping our community, and I am committed to ensuring they are heard and acted upon.
I will do my best to answer all questions and remain accessible. I will not forget the people who send me to Washington. Politicians can sometimes think they are better than others and ignore the people they serve, but I promise to stay grounded and always prioritize your needs and concerns.
Climate Change
I believe that the climate has always and will always change. While recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, I do not believe that stifling industry or giving the government more money will significantly alter our climate. There is a clear distinction between alarmism and genuine concern for pollution. Pollution of our water, land, and air should not be tolerated, and I support measures to reduce pollution and protect our natural resources.
Key Points:
- Balanced Approach: We need to address environmental concerns without sacrificing economic growth and energy independence.
- Reject Alarmism: I oppose alarmist views that demand drastic, immediate changes that harm our economy.
- Pollution Control: We should not tolerate pollution of our water, land, or air. Effective regulations and policies are necessary to protect our natural resources.
- Energy Independence: I support an “all of the above” energy policy that includes traditional energy sources alongside renewable energy, ensuring our nation is energy independent and not reliant on foreign oil.
- Technological Innovation: Encouraging technological innovation and market-based solutions can lead to more efficient and cleaner energy production without imposing heavy regulatory burdens.
- Wildlife Protection: I am committed to protecting our wildlife and animals from cruelty, pollution, and over-hunting. Conservation efforts are vital to maintaining biodiversity and ensuring that future generations can enjoy our natural heritage.
By focusing on practical, balanced solutions, we can protect our environment while ensuring economic stability and energy independence for future generations.
Limiting Government Power
Legislative authority must return to Congress, away from unelected bureaucrats. Additionally, the use of criminal courts to attack political opponents undermines our democracy and mocks our justice system. Such actions should only occur under the highest standards and be extremely rare. The criminal charges against Republicans and Donald Trump represent a dangerous precedent that threatens the integrity of our democratic institutions.
Marriage & LGBT Issues
I don’t oppose gay marriage and believe the government should not be involved in marriage. Marriage is a personal commitment to God or a private contract between two people. By removing government involvement, we solve the problem for those who want to marry same-sex partners and those who believe “marriage” is only between a man and a woman. People should be free to write their own contracts and call their union whatever they choose, whether it’s a marriage or a civil union. You can get married in the most traditional church or simply sign a document on your phone.
I am personally more traditional and conservative, but I will not tell others how they should live their lives. I believe in respect and acceptance for all individuals, including those with gender dysphoria. However, I oppose irreversible hormone treatments or surgeries for minors, as they lack the maturity to make such life-altering decisions. We must protect biological women’s rights to safe and private spaces, preventing biological males from accessing their locker rooms and bathrooms. Additionally, Title IX protections for women’s sports must be upheld, ensuring fair competition by restricting collegiate sports to biological females. Women have fought hard for these rights, and they must be preserved.
Ending the War on Drugs
The war on drugs is one of the most counter-productive, expensive, and wasteful wars we are waging. No adult should be in a cage for only harming themselves, aligning with my stance on ending victimless crimes. Drug addicts need access to help, not incarceration. The war on drugs has militarized our police force, which is now chasing down an endless supply of drugs that can never be fully stopped. We can’t even keep drugs out of our own prisons, let alone a free society.
I do not endorse drug use, but I recognize the devastating effect that government intervention can have on well-meaning individuals who choose to use substances. The entire situation is illogical when you consider the legality of prescription drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. While I am not against all regulation and believe in protective, informative measures for adults, the possession of substances should not be a crime.
However, I differentiate between recreational drugs that may be addictive or harmful long-term and substances that are outright killers and poison. Heroin and fentanyl are deadly poisons killing our children. There should be extremely harsh punishments for those who knowingly distribute poison to others. This balanced approach ensures we provide help to those in need while severely penalizing those who cause harm to others.
As a strong proponent of decentralization, I fully support the growth and adoption of cryptocurrency. Decentralized currencies, like Bitcoin, offer a solution to one of the greatest threats to economic stability—inflation. Unlike traditional fiat currency, where central banks can print more money at will, thereby devaluing the currency, Bitcoin’s fixed supply ensures that its value cannot be artificially manipulated. This form of currency not only preserves value but also empowers individuals by taking control out of the hands of the financial elite. It is a revolutionary step in creating economic freedom, and I believe it will reshape the future by promoting personal liberty and reducing centralized financial power.